Tag Archives: NOC

Learning Your Operational Performance

In business intelligence reporting, a common area is around learning your operational performance. This means tracking operation’s workload and results. While this can be a sticky subject for operations, its also a great opportunity to improve. Its a fact, when overloaded, operations suffers in the quality of their response. So its only common sense to track the NOC like you track the network. If operations is overload causing quality issues, operations need to be aware so that remediation actions occur. This could include staff augmentation or improved training regimes to drive better results. Trouble becomes how. Many focus on ticketing solutions. The ITIL compliance allows management of operational performance to set specifications. But those levels are not real-time. How does it help to know you needed help last Wednesday!

Where Machine Learning Coming Into Play

Learning Your Operational Performance
Again, ML/AI technology helps. Fault managers can track user and automation interactions with those faults. Most call these “event managers”. This audit trail can have machine learning applied to create the standard operational model. The result is a discovered model. Say a common fault usually takes 10 actions and 15 minutes to fix during business hours. When the NOC deviates from their previous score – good or bad. The AI can alert to the group, either GREAT JOB improving here is the new bar or let’s RALLY we are getting behind.

Proactive Workload Management

Learning Your Operational Performance
Let’s get into the details. Let’s say that machine learning exposes that during a certain time of day/day of week, 4 level1, tickets 5 level2 tickets, and 15 level3 tickets. Then the system is showing a systemic increase 2x, then 5x, and then 10x. AI agents can see this risk and alert. That alert can show that we have an abnormal amount of tickets opened. Operations managers can call in resources. The system can send an advisory email to the ticketing administration asking for a health check. Without ML/AI technology, running reports and interpreting requires so much time, most organizations will not even try. Those that do, latency could be weeks between needing a change to recognizing that need.

Positive Impact to Operations

Learning Your Operational Performance
The results of operational performance monitoring should be a smoother working operations teams. Fewer errors and happy customers is what every NOC should try to provide to the organization. Accomplishing this with zero human touch with a latency of less than 15 minutes. This has been unimaginable functionality up to this point. The difference has been the emergence of ML/AI technologies.
Let me know what you think here in the comments below. This is a cringeworthy conversation with operations. I do believe that near real-time operations performance management has value to NOCs today.
Learning Your Operational Performance

About the Author

Serial entrepreneur and operations subject matter expert who likes to help customers and partners achieve solutions that solve critical problems.   Experience in traditional telecom, ITIL enterprise, global manage service providers, and datacenter hosting providers.   Expertise in optical DWDM, MPLS networks, MEF Ethernet, COTS applications, custom applications, SDDC virtualized, and SDN/NFV virtualized infrastructure.  Based out of Dallas, Texas US area and currently working for one of his founded companies – Monolith Software.

An Umbrella for Fault Storm Management

Let’s continue our conversations around ML/AI in Service Assurance. I want to to explore an illustrated real life use case. The first example focus in on is around fault storms management.  When bad things happen, they may create an explosion of faults. Each fault may be a separate situation. This operational overload is best described by a customer of mine — “a see of red”.

Impact of Fault Storms on Operations

Fault Storm Management

When fault storms occur they cause many operational problems. First they cause blindness. It makes pre-existing problems and follow-on problems to get mixed in. Suddenly you have a mess. It may take hours to sort out responsibility alarms with manual correlation. Next they cause automation gridlock. Most service impacting alarms are set to immediately generate tickets. If 1,000 alarms try to open tickets at the same time, you may break your ticketing solution. Last they cause mistakes. Due to the human nature of sorting out the problem, errors are common. Operations can ignore a separate problem by assuming its part of another root cause. Fault storms, while rare, are dangerous for operations in assuring customer services.

Addressing Fault Storms with Machine Learning and AI

Fault Storm Management

Fault storms are a great use case for ML/AI technology. Machine learning sets the bar for a “storm”. Artificial intelligence can create the situation by encapsulating all the service impacting faults. This isolation/segment would mitigate the “sea of red”. When storms occur, the solution mitigates the blindness. The storm situation is isolated from pre-existing faults and all follow-on problems. Automation would only run on the situation created by ML/AI. This avoids the overload scenario. Fault storms are rare, but can devastate NOC performance. ML/AI technologies are a great choice to mitigate them.

Mitigating Effects Fault Storms

Fault Storm Management

The best way to illustrate how this technologies works is by showing a solution to a problem. For example, a site outage. We you have a power outage at a remote site, its devastating. All services depending upon infrastructure are no longer available. There are hundreds fo service impacting alarms. The final result is a complete mess for operations to clean up. Now ML/AI can address the fault storm caused by the site isolation. All the alarms could have the same location field key, then have a commonality. The count of alarms from that location is tracked. Machine learning can built a model based upon those records. The rush of faults breaks that model. Then the result is an anomaly centered upon that specific location. The anomaly encapsulates the situation – all the service impact alarms. With a processed alarm list, the “sea of red” becomes “clear as a bell”. Operations can assign the single site isolation to an individual. Then after validation, the user can perform action — dispatch. Instead of confusion and panic, operations continues to move forward like any other day. Business as usual, no stress should be the goal.

Take Aways on Fault Storms

Fault storms can break people’s day. They invite failure by operations. At the grand stacks of hundreds of outages to spotlight will be overwhelming. Operations has the opportunity – will the die or will they shine. Leveraging ML/AI technology can keep them on rails. Then success will be the standard operating procedure.

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Fault Storm Management

About the Author

Serial entrepreneur and operations subject matter expert who likes to help customers and partners achieve solutions that solve critical problems.   Experience in traditional telecom, ITIL enterprise, global manage service providers, and datacenter hosting providers.   Expertise in optical DWDM, MPLS networks, MEF Ethernet, COTS applications, custom applications, SDDC virtualized, and SDN/NFV virtualized infrastructure.  Based out of Dallas, Texas US area and currently working for one of his founded companies – Monolith Software.