Monthly Archives: June 2024

It’s Time to Build – Transformation Leaders Podcast

Another podcast?   Yes.   I wanted to announce and share why I have joined with several colleagues to form a weekly podcast on digital transformation.   Generative AI is such a business opportunity for change.   Several of the headwinds to digital transformation can be greatly mitigated with GenAI – I have a webinar in July to discuss that further.    So if now is the time to build, which is my perspective, what will hold us back?   Will has always been there for innovators and founder.    Money is available for those who know how to show a business case.   The real headwinds remaining is ignorance.    So this is why I have decided to put forward my voice and wisdom to the public domain.   But I cannot do this alone.   I invite everyone to come forward and add you voice to mine to help us together drive forward more digital change.   Click below to submit to join and be a guest as we are educating the masses on that “its time to build”.

Here is our inaugural podcast talking about transformation and how to get started as business leaders.